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Thursday, May 12, 2005

U.S. scientists create self-replicating robot

This is a stunning news man!
The Drexlerian thought of nano-technology by which
robots create robot (biologically it is possible for
cells to create cells) is no longer a sci-fi stuff.

Go thru the following news story in Yahoo, dated 12
May, 2005.

The main research paper came in the latest issue of
Nature (I can't wait to see this in our library!!).

You juss go thru and i am comin from the
library, I go..

Self-replicating robots are no longer the stuff of
science fiction.
LONDON (Reuters)

Scientists at the Cornell University in Ithaca, New
York have created small robots that can build copies
of themselves.

Each robot consists of several 10-cm (4 inch) cubes
which have identical machinery, electromagnets to
attach and detach to each other and a computer program
for replication. The robots can bend and pick up and
stack the cubes.

"Although the machines we have created are still
simple compared with biological self-reproduction,
they demonstrate that mechanical self-reproduction is
possible and not unique to biology," Hod Lipson said
in a report in the science journal Nature on

He and his team believe the design principle could be
used to make long term, self-repairing robots that
could mend themselves and be used in hazardous
situations and on space flights.

The experimental robots, which don't do anything else
except make copies of themselves, are powered through
contacts on the surface of the table and transfer data
through their faces. They self-replicate by using
additional modules placed in special "feeding

The machines duplicate themselves by bending over and
putting their top cube on the table. Then they bend
again, pick up another cube, put it on top of the
first and repeat the entire process. As the new robot
begins to take shape it helps to build itself.

"The four-module robot was able to construct a replica
in 2.5 minutes by lifting and assembling cubes from
the feeding locations," said Lipson.

Yahoo! Mail
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Hey c CAT Scans are being used...

I was doin a bit of research (rather search) on the possible use of CAT Scan (computed axial tomography/compter aided tomography, i don know why there are always two versions of everythin!!!) in my research area. This was specially meant for looking inside something in greater detail. I am thinkin of using it to see through a packed bed of granular material and examine and quantify the void distributions there in. hehe...gettin a bit geeky....okay ..okay... go thru the news first..
c how this CAT scan or CT scan are being used for varied purposes!!
News from Netscape, May 11, 2005
Scans Show What King Tut Looked Like

CAIRO, Egypt (AP) - The first facial reconstructions of King Tutankhamun based on CT scans of his mummy have produced images strikingly similar to the boy pharaoh's ancient portraits, with one model showing a baby-faced young man with chubby cheeks and his family's characteristic overbite.

That model, a photo of which was released Tuesday, bears a strong resemblance to the gold mask of King Tut found in his tomb in 1922 by the British excavation led by Howard Carter.

The beardless youth depicted in the model, created by a French team, has soft features, a sloping nose and a weak chin - and the overbite, which archaeologists have long believed was a trait shared by other kings in Tut's 18th dynasty. His eyes are highlighted by thick eyeliner.

Three teams of forensic artists and scientists - from France, the United States and Egypt - each built a model of the boy pharaoh's face based on some 1,700 high-resolution photos from CT scans of his mummy to reveal what he looked like the day he died nearly 3,300 years ago.

``The shape of the face and skull are remarkably similar to a famous image of Tutankhamun as a child where he was shown as the sun god at dawn rising from a lotus blossom,'' said Zahi Hawass, secretary-general of the Egypt's Supreme Council of Antiquities.

The CT scans - the first done on an Egyptian mummy - have suggested King Tut was a healthy, yet slightly built 19-year-old, standing 5 feet, 6 inches tall at the time of his death.

The three teams created their reconstructions separately - the Americans and French working from a plastic skull, the Egyptians working directly from the CT scans, which could distinguish different densities of soft tissue and bone.

The French and Egyptians knew they were recreating King Tut, but the Americans were not even told where the skull was from and correctly identified it as a Caucasoid North African, the council said in a statement.

``The results of the three teams were identical or very similar in the basic shape of the face, the size, shape and setting of the eyes, and the proportion of the skull,'' Hawass said.

The French and American models, seen in photos released by the council, are similar - with the Americans' plaster model sharing the more realistic, French silicone version's receding chin and prominent upper lip. The Egyptian reconstruction has a more prominent nose and a stronger jaw and chin.

The scans were carried out on Jan. 5 in the Valley of the Kings in Luxor, where Tut's leathery mummy was briefly removed from its tomb and placed into a portable CT scanner.

The tests provided an unprecedented look at Egypt's most famous mummy - but they did not resolve the mystery of the death of King Tut, who came to power at age 9.

They were able to dismiss a long held theory that Tut, who died around 1323 B.C., was murdered by a blow to his skull or killed in an accident that crushed his chest. It raised a new possibility for the cause of death: Some experts on the scanning team said it appeared Tut broke his left thigh severely - puncturing his skin - just days before his death, and the break could have caused an infection.

The life of Tutankhamun - believed to have been the 12th ruler of ancient Egypt's 18th dynasty - has fascinated people since his tomb was discovered in 1922, revealing a trove of fabulous treasures in gold and precious stones that showed the wealth and craftsmanship of the pharaonic court.

A U.S. museum tour a quarter-century ago of Tut's treasures drew more than 8 million people. A smaller number of treasures - minus Tut's famous gold mask - will again go on display in the United States starting June 16 in Los Angeles, after touring Germany and Switzerland.

The decision to allow the exhibit was a reversal of an Egyptian policy set in the 1980s that confined most of the objects to Egypt, after several pieces were damaged on international tour.

Hawass is leading a five-year project to scan all of Egypt 's known mummies - including royal mummies now exhibited at the Cairo Museum. Eventually, each mummy will be displayed alongside CT images and a facial reconstruction.

``For the first time, we will make these dead mummies come alive,'' Hawass said.

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